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Proceedings Of The Twenty-eighth Acm Sigmod-sigact-sigart Symposium On Principles Of Database Systems

Proceedings Of The Twenty-eighth Acm Sigmod-sigact-sigart Symposium On Principles Of Database Systems

ISBN-13: 9781605585536

ISBN-10: 160558553X

Authors: Association for Computing Machinery; Association for Computing Machinery (United States). Special Interest Group on Management of Data; Jianwen Su; ACM Digital Library; ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory; Association for Computing Machinery (United States). Special Interest Group for Algorithms and Computation Theory; ACM Special Interest Group for Algorithms and Computation Theory; ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data; Association for Computing Machinery (United States). Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence; SIGART; ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

Published: 2009

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